There was an entertaining article last month in that staid publication "The Economist" about online social networks changing the way people communicate. Maybe working in Silicon Valley has me in the proverbial "bubble" but it took them this long to figure it out / write about it? Any company that doesn't "get" social networking from a business as well as societal perspective is missing out on one of the most inexpensive as well as important marketing mediums there is.
By combining website marketing, SEO, product focused blogs, corporate tweets (Twitter), face book followers (see Jet Blue, LinkedIn, delicious etc., companies are communicating with their clients in a way that wasn't conceivable a decade ago. They can push out content as well as receive feedback faster than ever before.
Savvy marketers are pulling out all the stops to ensure that their corporate brand is properly marketed in all the different social mediums and ensuring they are maximizing their online presence as well as gaining very useful market research. They're also aware that bad press in this new world is a challenge and some of the more with companies actually search for bad press to jump on customer problems before they go viral. For example, if a Comcast cable subscriber "tweets" or "yelps" that Comcast Sucks with an addressable issue their searching for it and have a customer service representative contact them with the hope that their next tweet / yelp talks about them solving the problem.
The bottom line is that marketing is evolving at hyper speed and the companies that get it and embrace social networking will benefit their bottom lines. I bet they will be writing about this time period in the business schools and history books in the not too distant future as a transformational era that completely changed traditional marketing as we knew it just five short years ago.

International Market Entry Strategies blog to discuss global marketing and US Market Entry tactics for Entrepreneurs looking to break into the US or go international. We will interview CEO's & start up Marketing Directors to find out what challenges they're facing as well as the tactics they have successfully deployed in market. IMES will also review how to develop a successful market entry strategy and the steps that should be taken to in order to get it right.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Business Social Networking
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As a White Label SEO Reseller, I can't help but wonder if the businesses of the past that isn't present now, if they were able to utilize social networking, would they still exist now and be counted as one of the business powerhouses. The power that social networking has has built most of the businesses we see today, from ground up, and for mnimal cost on marketing and advertising.